
Mobility-Oly Prep
Warmup-Run 400m then, 2 Rounds of 10 Wall Balls and 10 Jumping Split Lunges
A) Clean and Jerk Complex:

2 Front Squats + Split Jerk

*work to a heavy complex max

B) Front Rack Walking Lunges 10RM (5/ea leg)

C) E3MOM for 3 Rounds complete:

200m run

50 ft walking lunges

10 Slam Balls over target (50/30)

Max Wall Balls in remaining time (20/14)

*rest 1 min between rounds
*max wall balls is score


Pre Class-Mobility

0-10 Warmup

10-25 Complex

25-40 Lunges

40-45 Rest/Setup

45-End WOD

Categories: WOD

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