
A) Strength: E2MOM 10 (5 sets)
Split Jerk from Rack
*Start @60% increasing weight
30 Secs of KB Swings(53/35) 30 secs rest
30 secs of Slam Balls (30-25/20) 30 secs rest
30 secs of Burpees to target 30 secs rest
45 Secs of KB Swings 15 secs rest
45 secs of Slam Balls 15 secs rest
45 secs of Burpees to target 15 secs rest
60 Secs of KB Swings
60 secs of Slam Balls
60 secs of Burpees to target
*score total reps
C) Skill Work/Mobility/Recovery with remaining time

Categories: WOD

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