
A) Push Press
Find 10 RM *Rest 4 mins
Find 8 RM *Rest 3 mins
Find 5 RM
B) Complete 4 sets of: E2MOM *Start at approx 70% 1RM Split Jerk
2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk *Increasing Weight
C) Skill WOD- Handstand Work
Warmup- 2 rds
:30 wrist stretches
:10 GHD Bridge
:30 Elevated Plank w/heals over shoulder
1 Wall Walk
3 Kick up to wall
then, 2 sets ss
1 Negative HSPU W/Shoot to push up
7 Strict Modified HSPU or Regular if you can get 7 Strict
D) WOD: For Time
Strict Pull Ups–>Jumping Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips–>Stationary–>Parallettes
Strict HSPU—>Modified

Categories: WOD

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