
Mobility-PVC + Banded Stretches
Warmup-2 Rounds
10 Upright Rows (Bar)
5-10 Strict Pullups
5 Empty Bar Presses
A) Strict Press 1RM
*20 mins
B)WOD: Complete
30 Secs of KB Swings(53/35) 30 secs rest
30 secs of Slam Balls (30-25/20) 30 secs rest
30 secs of Burpees to target 30 secs rest
45 Secs of KB Swings 15 secs rest
45 secs of Slam Balls 15 secs rest
45 secs of Burpees to target 15 secs rest
60 Secs of KB Swings
60 secs of Slam Balls
60 secs of Burpees to target
*score total reps
*Compare to 3/2/16
C) Accessory: Midline
3×15 GHD Situps +1 min Slam Ball Bear Hug
*Rest approx 1 min
0-10 Mobility/Warmup
10-30 Strict Press
30-35 Rest/Setup
35-45 WOD
45-End ACC
Categories: WOD

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