July Programming Focus

If you have not noticed already we are focusing on the Olympic Weightlifting movements this month. We will start with a lot of high volume complexes and later this month will start bringing the volume down but work heavier for fewer reps.  Towards the end of the month we will be testing our 1RM’s in both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. If you want to keep those PR’s coming make sure you try to make it to these days so we can get some technique and volume work in.

Also, we have started a Back Squat and Push Press strength progression cycle. We will be starting with higher reps and will be working down to fewer reps and eventually retest 1RM’s for those probably towards the end of next month. Be sure to record your results in WODHOPPER so you can try to progress from week to week in these lifts. Progress=Results and if you can’t remember what you did from week to week you can’t be sure that you are progressing. I can’t stress it enough to record your results EVERY day.

We will also be working on some things we haven’t worked on in a while: Sumo Deadlift, Bench Press and Paused Front Squats.

As far as conditioning goes we will be retesting a lot of the named WOD’s and some older WOD’s that we have done in the past to make sure we are continuing to get better and better.

3 Focus points for this month
-Consistent training = Results (At least 3-4 times a wk)
-Consistently eating right = Eat well at least 80-90% of the time but treat yourself from time to time
-Consistently getting sleep = Shoot for 8 hours a night

If you do these three things you should see many improvements in the gym and your overall quality of life. Get in here and train hard for the time that you are here. Happy Training!!!!

Cody Galbreath

Friday Night Lights!!

The CrossFit Open is upon us! Welcome to Friday Night Lights at CrossFit 217! We will be doing a

different format for the Open this year. Those of you that have signed up for the Open will get the

opportunity to do the workouts with your fellow box members cheering you on!


Friday Night Lights will happen every Friday night for 5 weeks. Friday evenings at the gym are for the

CrossFit Open Wods only! It will begin 2/27 and end 3/27.


At the completion of the 4:30pm class, those signed up for the Open will begin warming up with the first

heat starting at 5:30pm. Coaches will go over movement standards, offer some tips and be ready to

judge your wod. We will put you in heats and go until everyone has completed the Open workouts.

There will be no 5:30pm class. Only those signed up for the Open will be doing the wods. For the

competitive athletes, there will be a second chance offered on Sunday.

This year there are now more options for the Open: Open, Scaled, Masters, and Teen. So everyone can

sign up!


Sign up for the open is located at http://games.crossfit.com/ complete registration and click to

add yourself to the CrossFit 217 team.


We encourage you to bring your family, friends, or anyone interested in CrossFit to come cheer

everyone on!

Why (almost) anyone can CrossFit

So you are interested in trying a new or different approach to fitness. You may have seen the CrossFit

Games on ESPN and thought that those people are amazing but…..”No way is that for me.” We I am here

to tell you that those stars were once beginner’s as well. Julie Foucher, second place finisher at the

CrossFit Games, is videoed here in 2009 struggling with a light, simple barbell complex.

She was a humble beginner learning the lifts for the first time with a terrific coach Doug Chapman,

who happened to be my coach at my first CrossFit certification in the summer of 2012.

So who do I think can benefit from CrossFit?

Beginners to weight training – If you have NEVER weight trained before (or trained only on machines),

CrossFit is a great place for you to start. You’ll learn how to do all of the important lifts in a super

supportive and nonjudgmental environment. You may even find yourself to love the feeling of holding

a barbell!

People looking for support and community – This is the appeal to CrossFit for me. You’re not just a

membership payment…you’re a person that needs help. The trainers are here to not only give you a

great workout, but fix you technically and offer encouragement at the same time.

Fitness fanatics – You know those people that love to work out every day and feel like something is

missing if they don’t? The way CrossFit is structured; you are working out with regular consistency. The

general protocol is 3 days on, 1 day off; but if you are feeling great and not to sore, then take on more

days in a row.

Former athletes – CrossFit has built-in teamwork, camaraderie, and competition. Almost all workouts

have a time component to them, where you either have to finish a certain number of repetitions of

exercises in a certain amount of time, or the time is fixed and you need to see how many repetitions you

can do of an exercise. There are even local and national competitions that you can do to tap into your

competitive spirit!

Weekend warriors – Do you love to run a 5K, Spartan, or would like to participate in events like this in

the future? CrossFit offers what we call GPP or general physical preparedness so you can be ready for

your chosen event. So what the hell does that mean? There are 10 basic skills that we all need to

function at a higher level. They are:

Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance: The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver


Stamina: The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.

Strength: The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.

Flexibility: the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint

Power: The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in

minimum time.

Speed: The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.

Coordination: The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct


Agility: The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.

Balance: The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support


Accuracy: The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

There are a few people for whom I don’t think CrossFit would be as beneficial, but this

doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy it:

Mirror looker – If you are the type that likes to looks at yourself in the mirror and stare at your bicep

during the eccentric movement of a curl, you probably are not going to like it at CrossFit. Why? We

don’t have mirrors. When lifting, you need to maintain a neutral spine and head so you should be

looking straight ahead, not looking for a mirror.

Egos – Ego has several working definitions, but we’re referring to ego as “an exaggerated sense of self-

importance.” Our egos misguide us to do a lot of negative actions in the gym, including:

-Ignoring the coach’s recommendations on weights and technique

-Sacrificing full range of motion, and worst of all

-Higher potential for injury.

I encourage you to explore the CrossFit community. Do your research. Ask questions. Utilize our free

class. Decide if CrossFit is something you would like to give a shot!

Olympic Lifting Class

Now offering an Olympic Lifting Class!  This Class is designed to help everyone at all levels improve their Olympic Lifting Skills. It will be breaking down the Olympic Lifts (Clean and Jerk, and Snatch) down to their components to improve our overallcody
technique. Classes will be led by a CrossFit L1 and USAW Sports Performance Coach Cody Galbreath.

Class will last approximately one hour! Open to the public! $5/session for members, 10/session for non-members. Class times are Monday, Wednesday, at 3:30 and Saturday at 8:00a.m.

Members can have account charged at the end of the month for classes attended. If you have any questions call (217) 246-5943 or email [email protected]

Writing and Sleep

We have reached January 2015. This is the time of the year when people set goals and make plans to

change habits or make resolutions. Some want to make an effort to start a fitness plan or start eating

better. Those are terrific goals to have to start a New Year! I have two goals that I would like to achieve

in 2015.

Writing. Yes writing. I realize as a gym owner this may seem strange, but let me explain. We had a

beautiful new website developed in the fall and something I have wanted to do for a long time was to

start writing my thoughts on various topics related to Health and CrossFit. My goal will be to start going

after low hanging fruit or topics that anyone can use to increase health and wellness. I hope to keep it

simple and short. Hit certain bullet points if you will and add explanations when needed. I get asked

many of the same questions in the gym so I hope this will be a way for me to share some of the faq’s

with everyone. So on to my first topic and my other goal of 2015!


Sleep. How much sleep do you get per night? Do you get 5, 6 or 8+ hours? Do you wake up groggy or hit

the snooze 3+ times before you roll out of bed? If this is you, then you aren’t getting enough quality

sleep. There are times that I am guilty of this as well. So why is sleep so important? Here are 4 reasons

sleep is so important for mental and physical wellness:

1. Your brain gets recharged Memory consolidation takes place and allows for processes that

control emotions and decision making processes to reset.

2. Lack of sleep can lead to potential weight gain Not enough sleep lowers your will power and

therefore decreases your ability to resist junk foods. The hunger hormone ghrelin increases with

lack of sleep causing you to eat more even if you are not hungry.

3. Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to potential serious health conditions According to the

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “When people consistently fail to

get at least seven hours of sleep each night, the body becomes susceptible to serious illnesses

like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity and depression.”

4. Sleep in Anabolic Want those gains? During sleep, your body works to efficiently repair muscle

fiber damage you did during your workout. Your muscles are repaired during sleep only to be

built back stronger than yesterday.

Here are some tips to help get you more sleep:

1. Consistent bed time Keep a relatively consistent time that you go to a bed and wake up. This

will help regulate your circadian rhythm.

2. Sleep before midnight The hours that you log before midnight are more effective than the

hours after midnight.

3. Track your sleep Do you really know how much quality sleep you are getting? Use a app like

SleepBot or Sleepcycle These apps are a way to log the time you are in bed. It also tracks

movements during your sleep which can disrupt your sleep. You could be in bed for 8 hours but

only getting 6 hours of quality sleep.

4. Noise Keep your bedroom extremely quiet or use a white noise app or fan to create a consistent


5. Light Keep your bedroom dark so your body’s light-sensitive clock believes it is time to sleep.

Put up black-out curtains, turn off the TV, turn your cell phone over, and cover your alarm clock

with something to eliminate all light.

6. Meditation before bed To help get you started, utilize a app like Headspace that takes 10

minutes and offers you guided meditations that help teach you to relax through slow, deep,

controlled breathing.

7. Temperature Keep your room cool, ideally between 65-70 degrees.

8. Stimulants Avoid caffeine especially late in the day. Did you have a cp late in the day? Try taking

L-Theanine, an amino-acid that promotes relaxation and aids in cutting the half-life of caffeine.

9. Exercise It’s not only good for a creating glutes and guns, it can help improve sleep.

10. Beds are for sleep and for S## So that means no cell phone, iPad, TV, laptop or any other device

with a screen. If you want to read go old school and get a paperback!

11. Take a Magnesium supplement I am personally love Natural Calm cherry flavored. A majority of

the population is magnesium deficient. It calms your mind and aids in turning your brain into

sleep mode. Mix powder into room temperature water and enjoy. Warning: Drinking

magnesium without rinsing mouth and brushing your teeth after, can lead to the magnesium

eating away at your tooth enamel. Just make it part of your evening routine!

So what is the ideal amount of sleep? It varies greatly from person to person. Studies show that the

body needs between 7-9 hours. Try different amounts for a week at a time and see how you feel. If you

are training more than 3 times per week I would recommend a minimum of 8 hours. Let’s start together

in implementing these simple changes to try and get more sleep in 2015! How much better would you

perform at your job, with your family, or in school if you are not depriving your body of much needed


Mekenzie is coming to town!

10636322_10202608125310171_8249131204416535709_nMonday Nov 3 at 6:30pm, Mekenzie Riley will be here at CrossFit 217 talk about everything you need to know about nutrition, diet, and her fantastic life growing up with Grant! Check out the link below for a list of everything Mekenzie has to offer!

Cost is $10 and there will be a sign up sheet on the front desk!



Check back in…

We’ll be adding to the Coach’s Blog more and more in the future. Check back in for posts by our coaches.