

Row Warmup:

Row 250 easy +Row 150 Hard +Row 250 mod

*30 sec rest between sets

Gymnastics Warmup:

PVC and Band Pullaparts then, 3 Rounds of:

3 kick ups + 1 Strict HSPU on the last kick up

5 Beat Swings

A)Row 5k

*Scale-3.5K if you think it will take over 25 mins

B)Max sets of UB SHSPU

*Choose 3, 2, or singles for your set number

Scale Options:

1-Hands on floor

2-1.5 or max of 2 pads

3-Inverted on box

4-Inverted floor

5-Seated DB Presses (Sets of 5)


Ladder of C2B or Pull ups or Muscle ups

*You choose what you want to work on

*Start at 1 reps and add a rep every minute

*Once you fail, go back to 1 and take a min off to recover if needed.

Categories: WOD

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