

Warmup-3 Rounds Not For Time

5-10 Quality Push ups

5 Beat Swings

3 Kick ups + 1 Strict HSPU on last kickup

A)Close Grip Bench Press: 5×5@95%

B)Gymnastics Skills: EMOM 30] 5 Sets

1-Muscle Ups/Pull ups

2-KB Swings

3-Strict HSPU–Negatives–Wall Walk and Hold–Inverted Hold

4-Sandbag Carry

5-Strict Ring Dips–Ring Supports+Push ups


*Goal is about 30-45 secs of work per round


Warmup-Barbell Drills

A)Split Jerk w/pause in the dip

*Build to a heavy single

B)Clean Complex: Squat Clean w/pause @knee + Front Squat

*Build to a heavy complex max

C)Clean Pull Complex: Clean Deadlift + Pull from knee + Pull from ground

5×1 *Increasing sets ending @100% 1RM Clean

D) Accessory: RDL’s 5×10 *Increasing sets


Warmup-Run 800m

A)Farmers Carry Handles

*Find a heavy max only breaking at turnaround points

B)Forward Sled Drag

*Down and Back under one minute

C)WOD: 20-15-10-15-20

Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

WB (30/20)

*10 min cap


Bike Warmup- .5/.4 mile mod pace

A)Bike Conditioning:

3:00 on/3:00 off

3:00 on/2:00 off

3:00 on/1:00 off

3:00 on/2:00 off

3:00 on/ DONE

*Pick a challenging RPM to target and hold at or slightly above it for all ON intervals

Row Warmup-Row 500m (300 easy pace/200m fast pace)

B)Rowing Conditioning/Accessory:

3 Rounds *1 min break between rounds

First, accumulate 1 or 2 Pegboard Climbs (Depending on skill) or 1 min of Bar/Ring Plank Hang

Then, 1000m row @2k row pace

*1 min break between rounds



1 min couch or pigeon pose each side,

Then, Banded Glute Activation

A)Front Squats w/ pause: 3×[email protected]% 5RM

B) Accessory: AMRAP 5

Max Sets of 3/2/1 Strict Pull Ups

C) Intervals: AMRAP 3] 4 Rounds

Run 400m

Max Distance Overhead Walking Lunges (50/35)

*1 min break between



10am-Cardio Striking


Open Gym 1-3 PM

Categories: WOD