
Warmup-2 RNFT
10 cal Row
3 sets of 1-3 Kipping HSPU
10 cal Bike
A) Strict Press
*12 mins to find a heavy single, then
*10 mins to complete 3 sets of 3@85% today’s max
B) WOD: For Time
30-25-20-15 Cals on Bike (Male Rx) (Female Rx 25-20-15-10)
15-15-15-15 HSPU (Rx+) 10-10-10-10 (Rx)
30-25-20-15 Cals on Rower (Female Rx -25-20-15-10)
*20 min cap
Scale HSPU to DB Push Press *Choose challenging weight
C) Finisher: Plate Circuit-3 sets
Categories: WOD

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