
Mobility-Oly Prep
Warmup-Barbell Drills
A) Oly: Power Snatch Singles @65-80%
4 Rounds of :90 on and 2:30 off
*Drop and reset all reps
*Total reps over 4 rounds is score
B) Intervals: 3 Rounds
2:00 max Wall Balls
*Rest 1 min
1:30 max C2B
*Rest 1 min
1:00 max bar over burpees
*Rest 1 min and repeat
*Score max WB, C2B, and Burpees
Mobility-Oly Prep
Warmup-Barbell Drills
A) Oly: Power Snatch Singles @65-80%
4 Rounds of :90 on and 2:30 off
*Drop and reset all reps
*Total reps over 4 rounds is score
B) Intervals: 3 Rounds
2:00 max Wall Balls
*Rest 1 min
1:30 max Jumping C2B or Ring Rows
*Rest 1 min
1:00 max burpees
*Rest 1 min and repeat

*Score max WB, C2B, and Burpees

Categories: WOD

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